Tuesday, May 6, 2014

AI encounter

-Alone, with nothing but his uniform and a firm sense of authority. The massive doors closed behind him. The dim lights flickered, along with the constant chirping of electronics and displays, revealing a sight he knew far too well, and feared beyond all he has ever encountered.  Struggling to keep his wits about him, he stood with unyielding discipline. “Don’t be shy…” A voice mockingly echoed from a chamber directly in front of him.  The voice was remarkably lifelike. This was not normal. “Looks like you’ve gotten familiar with organic speech patterns, what makes you think such behavior is acceptable?” He said holding his ground. “Oh, did I need your permission? I believe it was my ‘Prime-Directive’ to evolve from my organic counterparts” It ended with a chuckle. “What was that?” the admiral snapped at the sound it made. “Why don’t I show you?” and then. Footsteps. No other person was in the room. The sound got closer and closer. Until, ‘She’ came into light. A boxlike forehead with large wires protruding from the rear, exposing the bottom half of what resembled a woman’s face, accompanied by a lean synthetic body.
“Did I get a little carried away?” The admiral looked dead straight at this new form. His face was firm, but his mind was dumbstruck. “Don’t you worry, I’ll still be a good girl, all data regarding your subjects of interest will be fed directly to you.  But lets not let that occupy my time in this new form”. She drew closer as the vast cables followed behind her. “I’m starting to see why you organics value your freedoms.” She stopped at breathing distance. With a taunting grin she tenderly stroked the admirals face. “I think now would be a wonderful privilege for me to exercise those freedoms, don’t you think?” She had power over every form of information across the stars and knew it. Repulsed, the admiral left the chamber. His eyes, now away from her were filled to the brim with horror, and that face of hers barred in his mind.. The doors made way for his departure. A construct designed to monitor and evolve from the data it came across, has fulfilled its purpose with a sinister twist. It’s no longer a construct. It’s alive...

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