Monday, September 15, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tactical Withdraw

The Galactic Unions Finest, sporting some custom sunglasses at perhaps the most well timed moment. Built from the pencil sketch

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Fallen vs. . .

heavily inspired by this incredible artist's blog: , I have now been inspired to do really quick works depicting characters of my own mythology taking on and ultimately eliminating all I detest :>

Sunday, May 11, 2014


A young brülok about to undergo his trials of being a 'knight' as we humans call them.
"The trials are tough sure, but its nothing the initiates cant handle. A few broken bones, fractued skulls, internal bleeding, the staffs they use are the same ones they'll carry on the field.  They know whats coming so they make it...oh has a 'Human' made it you ask? don't know... care to try?" -Unknown brülok elder

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ceremonial dudes

some dudes that will show up in a future piece. not fully detailed tho. for good reason trust me :>

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

AI encounter

-Alone, with nothing but his uniform and a firm sense of authority. The massive doors closed behind him. The dim lights flickered, along with the constant chirping of electronics and displays, revealing a sight he knew far too well, and feared beyond all he has ever encountered.  Struggling to keep his wits about him, he stood with unyielding discipline. “Don’t be shy…” A voice mockingly echoed from a chamber directly in front of him.  The voice was remarkably lifelike. This was not normal. “Looks like you’ve gotten familiar with organic speech patterns, what makes you think such behavior is acceptable?” He said holding his ground. “Oh, did I need your permission? I believe it was my ‘Prime-Directive’ to evolve from my organic counterparts” It ended with a chuckle. “What was that?” the admiral snapped at the sound it made. “Why don’t I show you?” and then. Footsteps. No other person was in the room. The sound got closer and closer. Until, ‘She’ came into light. A boxlike forehead with large wires protruding from the rear, exposing the bottom half of what resembled a woman’s face, accompanied by a lean synthetic body.
“Did I get a little carried away?” The admiral looked dead straight at this new form. His face was firm, but his mind was dumbstruck. “Don’t you worry, I’ll still be a good girl, all data regarding your subjects of interest will be fed directly to you.  But lets not let that occupy my time in this new form”. She drew closer as the vast cables followed behind her. “I’m starting to see why you organics value your freedoms.” She stopped at breathing distance. With a taunting grin she tenderly stroked the admirals face. “I think now would be a wonderful privilege for me to exercise those freedoms, don’t you think?” She had power over every form of information across the stars and knew it. Repulsed, the admiral left the chamber. His eyes, now away from her were filled to the brim with horror, and that face of hers barred in his mind.. The doors made way for his departure. A construct designed to monitor and evolve from the data it came across, has fulfilled its purpose with a sinister twist. It’s no longer a construct. It’s alive...

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Synthetic dudes

The craziest and most advanced in cybernetics. despite more than 90% of their bodies being replaced with synthetic substitutes, they still retain their human personalities and mannerisms. so the bottom bit I decide to have these dudes in the costumes of the "Conker: Live and Reloaded" multiplayer characters in the game. cuz why not :>

Thursday, May 1, 2014

More from this year.

hopefully when this sketchbook is full I'll be able to pull off a compilation of every sketch from the book. all 100 pages of lulz.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

First Encounter

The Explorers first encounter with the Tribal . . . uhm, despite his gasps for air and most likely soiled undergarments, the 'Tribal' as they call her, is actually one of the most friendliest, cunning, and playful person that the company will have the chance to meet. a valuable asset to whatever may lie ahead.

I Plan to do more introduction pieces for who these guys are, some may be out of order like when they first meet up, but hey, Im having loads of fun with these. as always, more to come.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

an old quikie

a speed draw deal of some chicks designed to jack vehicles in sub-orbital flight. one heck of a job. dudes can do it too, but they haven't been filling any applications really. :/

Friday, April 18, 2014


Don't know what the 'Q' stands for but i like it.
"The dust here isn't so bad. Not much different from what we got back home."

One and all

New art promoting one of my personal projects. all the dudes were done separately so feel free to take a look at each one.

Friday, March 21, 2014

flyers for me-self :>

a little side project i did for myself. sure its a bit of self advertising but hey, loads of fun to do still.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


A piece I came up with from a personal project, and so far, the most proud of. I also did the billboard things in the back.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Personal Project Work

More from my personal project. a colonial patrol overlooking, colonists, and our unarmored courier in an urban setting.

Thursday, February 6, 2014